Sounding Decolonial Futures: Decentering Ethnomusicology's Colonialist Legacies

Zeisberg 19 “Social Dance”

This arrangement is titled "Social Dance," another tune that we can surmise F. J. Zeisberg heard and later arranged. The hand written notes explain that it was from the Indian Fair in October 1938, with a dance led by Bird Partridge, Carnola Wildcat, and Jack Taylor of Birdtown. Today Birdtown remains an area on the Eastern Cherokee Reservation in North Carolina. 

It seems likely, then, that Zeisberg attended this "fair" and later harmonized and arranged a tune he heard there. His instructions for tempo say "At a tempo that can be increased with the growing enthusiasm," which we can infer means the enthusiasm of the people participating in the dance. 

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