Sounding Decolonial Futures: Decentering Ethnomusicology's Colonialist Legacies

Zeisberg 07 “Prayer for Rain”

This is one of the few transcriptions in Fletcher's Indian Story and Song that is not attributed to J. C. Fillmore, but rather to Dr. Carl Lumholtz. Zeisberg recognizes that credit, along with the song's origins in Mexico but omits the ethnic affiliation of the indigenous group which is marked: Tarahumare [Tarahumara]. Moreover, this transcription does not come as a part of a story and song package, but rather illustrates a point in the chapter on the Relation of Story and Song. The original transcription includes a 5 bar, single melodic line with no text. Zeisberg has worked the material considerably to double the length and adds a coda. He plays with the registral placement of the melody and provides his own harmonization. 

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