Oberlin's Namesake: John Frederick Oberlin (1740-1826)

J. F. Oberlin in his lifetime

Explore materials made by Oberlin and his contemporaries

Most of the surviving materials created or used by John Frederick Oberlin are in museums in Waldersbach and Strasbourg, France. Oberlin College received a small number of original Oberlin items from his family members and others over the years. The things made by Oberlin's own hand and his contemporaries give us direct contact with the man and his work. This engraved portrait of J. F. Oberlin was created by Charles-Louis Schuler in 1803, from a drawing he made of Oberlin in 1802 when the sitter was 62 years old. The inscription under the image reads "Dessiné d'aprés nature et gravé par Ch. L. Schuler, en 1803." It is reputed to be the only portrait of Oberlin made from life by a skilled artist. 

See more items made by Oberlin and his contemporaries below.

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