12018-05-21T03:36:58+00:00Ari Sammartino5f7670b151b405cb1c1ed742f2f31b8da7bbfe0322plain2018-05-24T19:18:39+00:00Ari Sammartino5f7670b151b405cb1c1ed742f2f31b8da7bbfe03The Seven Deadly Sins is not merely the title of a piece by Bertholt Brecht and Kurt Weill. Rather, it also provides a useful heuristic through which to study the history of Weimar culture, politics and society. Throughout the semester, students in the course cluster worked in groups to create online exhibitions about each of the Seven Deadly Sins--Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Greed, and Envy--in the context of Weimar Germany. Each exhibition contains both a concept description and five objects that the group believed most epitomized their sin. Students were given the freedom to define their sins as they saw fit, and as you will see, each group selected a wide range of objects from propaganda to literature to visual art.