Milt Hinton's Datebooks

About This Project

Our objective in creating this project is, first and foremost, to make Milt Hinton’s datebooks freely available and accessible online. To that end, we are publishing a work in progress. We will add new datebook years as they are completed, and we look forward to adding stories and other narrative resources to illuminate the important musical history that is documented in the pages of these datebooks.

Milt Hinton’s datebooks are scanned and transcribed by Oberlin Conservatory Library’s special collections staff and intrepid student assistants. This transcription work involves a lot of practice, research, and sometimes guesswork. We've attempted as best we can to transcribe Milt's writing as is, but in places where we couldn’t decipher a word or phrase we’ve put [illegible].

All transcription text is searchable from any page—simply click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner and a search box will appear. Enter any text you wish to search by, such as name or venue (for example, searching “Eddie South” will bring up four datebook pages). Do keep in mind, however, that we have transcribed Milt’s writing as is, complete with misspellings, idiosyncratic spellings, abbreviations, etc., so searching is limited in this regard, at least for now.

We welcome your thoughts, corrections, and suggestions—please use this form to provide feedback. We look forward to hearing from you!

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