Art in the Archives of Oberlin College


Art in the Archives of Oberlin College

A Selection of Historically Significant Visual Works

This presentation showcases artworks and textiles with deep stories informing Oberlin’s rich history, of early post-secondary coeducation and the admission of Black students, antislavery, education in Asia, leadership in world affairs after World War I, an eclectic and notable built environment, and excellence in teaching and learning on campus. With one exception, a public sculpture, the works featured here are housed in the College Archives. While the Archives is not an art museum, it is the keeper of a number of visual works considered of enduring historical value to the College. Archival collections typically comprise papers, documents, photographs, sound recordings and moving images; some may also hold objects and works of art related to the history of their institutions and its presidents, faculty, staff and students, as in Oberlin's case. The complete holdings of visual works and objects (except those kept within personal collections) in the College Archives can be explored in brief format in the digital Archives Museum Collection.
Curated by Anne Cuyler Salsich, Associate Archivist, Oberlin College Archives, 2021

          Heath Patten, Visual Resources Curator, Oberlin College Libraries
         Intermuseum Conservation Association (Cleveland)
         John Seyfried (Oberlin)

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