The Practice of Writing: I Have Not Adhered to the Honor Code on This Assignment

Daniel/Adanya Stephens

American University 

It’s my first day at American University. I don’t really know where I’m going but I’m gonna be late
for this class. I asked someone walking through the hallway to help me find my first class , Ethnomusicology, “Oh. You're in the wrong building. The ethno building is across the street.”
“Oh. I thought I heard about a musicology class in this building.”
“No that's musicology, not ​ethno​musicology.”
“Oh. What does ethno mean?”
“I don’t really know but in college it means anything not white. And if it is white it usually doesn’t have a prefix specifying that.”
I made it to the ethno building. It was dingy, gross, unairconditioned and there was not one professor of color teaching even though all the classes were about people of color.