The Practice of Writing: I Have Not Adhered to the Honor Code on This Assignment

Ben Burton

Ears rang and smoke swirled in the back alley around the corner from where the show ejected its hordes. Now, clans of the young and cynical chattered amidst the bustle of midnight Los Angeles. Sweat coated skaters ask older pierced punks for cigarettes while jittery high schoolers giggle to warped Cosby impersonations. Look 20 feet to the right from the door. No, Past the ones in dark leather. Before the alley opens into an ope fluorescent landscape… right there, where those four huddle and smoke.

Al shakes a mane of curly hair behind him, taking a long drag. He passes it to Mikey who snatches the depleted joint with disdain. Wiping his brow, he breaks the tinnitic silence. “Look over there, in the Mcdonalds. Isn’t that the first band that opened?” Laura’s mouth spills with smoke as she stares, “No shit. Wait no, didn’t they wear suits?” “They wanted to be the Smiths so bad it was ridiculous.” says Casey, stomping out a cig. “No way. The look was all Cure.” Mikey interrupts wildly with the joint, “Hey! That’s totally them! Only the lead guy had a suit right? He’s eating a big mac in the window.” Now they all stop and squint at the thin punk chowing down like a coyote, illuminated with moon and fluorescent lighting. Casey adjusts his glasses. “I feel like they were kinda derivative y’know? Like I’ve heard them before.” The group exchange looks.

Al gingerly pinches the remainder of the dying butt, ending the cycle. “I don’t know man. That pit was insane.” Mikey sneaks a rare smile, “yeah Case, looks like you got pretty beat up all the way in the back.” Laura giggles, her teeth reflecting against black lipstick. Casey responds in falsetto, “You fuckers think you’re funny. Just cause I don’t want some asshole knocking my teeth in…” Mikey raises an eyebrow “Well that’s kind of the whole point, isn’t it? Not much of a mosh pit listening to Black Flag in your brother’s car, no?” “Fuck Black Flag, I don’t listen to Black Flag.” Their eyes are hard, broken when Al flashes a smile, whining “Motherfucker. I remember when we saw Black Flag and you stayed in the back the entire time. We all did!.” Did Al cross a line? No. Mikey and Al are slap boxing while Laura and Casey giggle with relief. The group laughs and tension evaporates like the end of a set. Sweat pours as they leave the alley and its odd gaggles of young punks and the aimless.

Ben Burton is a native Angeleno and freshman at Oberlin College. While he does not listen to Black Flag, he does like the Smiths quite a bit which gives him the slightest bit of credit. He is intimidated by people who know about 90's hardcore.